In this document The Tourism Committee of the Islands of Guadeloupe (CTIG), Public establishment of an industrial and commercial nature, registered in the Trade and Companies Register of Pointe-à-Pitre under the Siret number: 839 308 988 000 14 whose head office is located at 5, square de la banque – BP 555 – 97166 Pointe-à-Pitre, organizes an Experts des Îles de Guadeloupe certification program in 4 stages on the website  : 

This training, accessible only online and completely free, allows you to acquire the necessary keys and specific advice to communicate to customers, but also anecdotes or information that cannot be found in tourist guides. This practical tool also makes it possible to improve knowledge of the destination and to better sell the Islands of Guadeloupe.

  1. To whom it is addressed ?

The certification program is intended for travel agents and anyone required to legally sell the Guadeloupe Islands destination and for information purposes to adults, students and tourism professionals.

Completing the 4 stages of the certification program in its entirety ensures the “EXPERT DES ÎLES DE GUADELOUPE” certification awarded by the Guadeloupe Islands Tourism Committee, which can be used on all marketing materials.

Being a certified agent is the insurance:

To participate in the certification program, you must successively:

The Tourism Committee of the Islands of Guadeloupe reserves the right to carry out any verification. Any partial, erroneous or truncated information will lead to the cancellation of participation without possible

Note: Expert status is nominative and is not attached to a travel agency.


Once registered, the participant can start the online training program which currently includes 3 modules (or lessons) with 16 chapters. For each module, the knowledge acquired must be validated by correctly answering a questionnaire (or quiz).

The answer to each question must be selected by clicking on the checkbox opposite the envisaged answer, then clicking on the next button. It is not possible to “skip” a question, they must all be answered in order.

When the participant has answered all the questions making up the questionnaire, the site informs him of the number of correct answers recorded. If all the answers given are correct, the questionnaire is validated and the participant can then access the next training module, until they have correctly answered all the questions of the 3 modules.

In the event of incorrect answers, the participant’s score is recorded in the system, and he is invited to retry the questionnaire until a clear score is obtained.
The progress of the participant is recorded at each conclusion of a questionnaire.
If the participant disconnects from the site, and reconnects later, he will resume his training at the level of the last validated questionnaire.

  1. Badge

Each travel agent / seller who has correctly answered all the questions of the 3 training modules will receive a digital badge “Secrets of the Islands of Guadeloupe” attesting to the successful completion of the e-learning. .
It will also be listed on the participant’s profile.

  1. Prizes to be won

At several times of the year and depending on the steps taken, loyalty incentives will be sent to participants.

The Tourism Committee of the Islands of Guadeloupe will reward the attendance of the first 150 people who will have completed the e-learning and have been validated  with a badge  for the next stage of the certification program: 

– A VIP goodies will be offered to the first 50 

– A special destination guide with qualitative goodies will be offered to the next 100.

These gifts cannot give rise to any dispute of any kind, nor to the delivery of their counter-value in money or in any form whatsoever, nor to their replacement or exchange for any reason whatsoever.

In the event of force majeure, or if the circumstances so require, the CTIG reserves the right to replace the prizes awarded of equivalent or greater value.
Rewarded entrants will be contacted by email to verify their contact information. Please note that the contact details recorded in the registration must be identical to those that will be used to send the gift.

If the postal address is not valid, or if the participant does not respond to the e-mail sent, his gift will be allocated to another participant following the order of the people who have successfully completed the e-learning.

In case of return of a reward with the mention “Does not live at the address indicated” or not withdrawn by its recipient, the latter will no longer be able to claim it.

Le programme du webinaire ou séminaire, le choix des intervenants, la communication de l’évènement sont librement déterminés par le CTIG. 

Pour s’inscrire à l’évènement, un onglet “inscription” sera activé dans la rubrique Webinaire/ Séminaire.

Une invitation et un déroulé du programme sera adressé au participant par courrier électronique et/ou lui sera remise par newsletter. 

La participation aux sessions digitales proposées par le CTIG nécessite l’utilisation de solutions informatiques tierces soumises à conditions d’utilisation. Il appartient aux participants de se procurer légalement les logiciels nécessaires à l’utilisation de ces solutions et d’en faire un usage conforme aux conditions d’utilisations (réseau internet, Microsoft TEAMS, ZOOM, YouTube, …). Le CTIG décline toute responsabilité pour tout dommage, de quelque nature que ce soit, découlant notamment de l’utilisation, de la tentative d’utilisation de ces solutions et logiciels, ou encore découlant du partage d’information dans le cadre de l’utilisation de ces plateformes.

Votre participation aux séminaires, webinaires organisés par le CTIG n’est confirmée qu’à réception de l’email de confirmation d’inscription envoyé par un membre du CTIG.

Pour participer au webinaire, il faudra cliquer sur le lien de connexion reçu sur la page ou l’email de confirmation reçu après votre inscription.

Si l’hôte n’a pas entamé la diffusion du webinaire ou s’’il se prépare à utiliser une session d’entraînement, vous recevrez un message.


Pour une meilleure qualité du webinaire nous invitons tous les participants à désactiver leur caméra et leur micro durant toute la durée du webinaire.

Si l’hôte vous donne l’autorisation, vous pouvez rétablir la caméra, le son et discuter durant le webinaire.


La discussion reste ouverte durant toute la durée du webinaire. Il vous suffit d’ouvrir le chat de la réunion, pour envoyer des messages et questions à l’hôte, aux intervenants et aux participants (si vous avez l’autorisation).

The program of the webinar or seminar, the choice of speakers, the communication of the event are freely determined by the CTIG. 

To register for the event, a “registration” tab will be activated in the Webinar/Seminar section.

An invitation and an outline of the program will be sent to the participant by e-mail and/or will be given to him by newsletter. 

Participation in the digital sessions offered by the CTIG requires the use of third-party IT solutions subject to terms of use. It is up to the participants to legally obtain the software required to use these solutions and to use it in accordance with the conditions of use (internet network, Microsoft TEAMS, ZOOM, YouTube, etc.). The CTIG declines all responsibility for any damage, of any nature whatsoever, arising in particular from the use, the attempt to use these solutions and software, or even arising from the sharing of information in the context of the use of these platforms.

Your participation in seminars and webinars organized by the CTIG is only confirmed upon receipt of the registration confirmation email sent by a member of the CTIG.

To participate in the webinar, you will have to click on the connection link received on the confirmation page or email received after your registration.

If the host has not started the webinar broadcast or is preparing to use a practice session, you will receive a message.


For a better quality of the webinar, we invite all participants to deactivate their camera and microphone for the duration of the webinar.

If the host gives you permission, you can unmute the camera, audio, and chat during the webinar.


The discussion remains open throughout the duration of the webinar. Simply open the meeting chat to send messages and questions to the host, panelists, and attendees (if you have permission).

The SEMINAR,  (workshop, evening event) aims to allow participants (travel agents, tourism professionals, speakers, guests, etc.) (hereinafter the “Participant(s)”) to develop exchanges and training on the Guadeloupe Islands destination, to produce a general reflection on the themes, activities, which are common to them in order to train and inform etc….

The seminar program

Depending on the theme of the day, the CTIG organizes the intervention of each guest within the framework of the webinar or seminar: presentation of the CTIG, presentation of the destination “Islands of Guadeloupe”, presentation of the certification program, presentation and/or intervention of the partners .

The seminar can be articulated around several workshops planned in restricted committee so that the exchanges are easier between the participants. As the number of places may be limited, you are asked to confirm your presence at the event in which you are participating. The aforementioned program and in particular the list of themes, the names of speakers, the schedule of conferences and workshops, may be subject to exceptional adjustments by the CTIG. If necessary, the CTIG will inform the Participant in due time.

The personal data transmitted during your registration is recorded in a computerized file and is governed in accordance with the law ”  General Regulations on Data Protection  “. You can exercise your right of access to the data concerning you and have them rectified by contacting the controller.

Photographs or videos can be taken by the CTIG during the seminars and used on the CTIG’s communication media. You can report your refusal to be photographed or filmed to the representatives of the CTIG at the start of the meeting. It should be noted that the CTIG cannot be held responsible for photos or videos taken or distributed by third parties during meetings.

The CTIG has integrated a section dedicated to webinars into its new platform, thus providing access to replays of previous editions. 

Thus the webinars you attend are recorded, so you will not need an audio or video recording device during the webinars.

The CTIG declines all responsibility related to the use of information shared or received during meetings, webinars and missions. It is up to the participants to carry out the due diligence necessary for the conduct of their business and their decision-making.

  1. Cancellation / Postponement

The CTIG reserves the right to cancel or postpone any meeting, webinar or mission. If necessary, the registered persons will be informed by e-mail.

The CTIG cannot under any circumstances be held liable for any reimbursement or compensation for costs incurred of any kind whatsoever for the meeting, webinar or mission canceled or postponed.
If a CTIG action is organized jointly with a partner or another organization, the CTIG may transmit the data provided during your  GDPR registration .

In accordance with the law “Informatique et Libertés”, of January 6, 1978, the participant has a right of access, modification, rectification, opposition, and deletion of personal data concerning him. He may exercise this right by sending his request by email to: . This computer processing being carried out by the CTIG, EPIC status, it is exempt from declaration to the National Commission for Computing and Liberties (CNIL). 

  1. Contacts 

Any questions, comments and complaints relating to these General Conditions of Participation may be sent to the CTIG by e-mail at the following address:

  1. Description of the sales challenge

 List a maximum of  sales of package holidays  (with minimum flight + accommodation) ,  with a  minimum of 5 nights , on the destination “Islands of Guadeloupe” (Basse-Terre, Grande-Terre, La Désirade, Les Saintes and Marie-Galante ), during the year. 

All sales of stays (including at least the flight and accommodation) made since the beginning of the year with tour operators and/or incoming agencies, partners of travel agencies, are concerned. 

List all your sales of stays in the Islands of Guadeloupe (all amounts combined) as follows:

The duration of the challenge is 3 months, in spring and autumn. The dates are announced via the ”Secrets of the Islands of Guadeloupe” newsletter and in the ”Sales Challenge” section.

 This challenge is open to the sales force of “showcase/traditional agencies” in networks or independent and “online agencies” present on French, European and Canadian territory. 

Participation in this challenge is individual.

It is necessary to register on  to complete the form and download the proof of sale.

A participant is designated as a travel professional who takes part in the SALES CHALLENGE offered by the organizer on its site, and for which prizes are offered. 

The participant accepts these rules.

A point is awarded to each participant for a sale of packaged stays of at least 5 nights, in the Guadeloupe Islands. Please note that cruise stays departing from or stopping over in Pointe-à-Pitre are excluded.

The minimum number of files to validate their participation and be selected for the designation of the winners is:

To declare their sales, the participant must complete the form made available to them on , in the “Sales Challenge” section. The form is accessible after identification on the site. 

The participant must record his sales indicating, among other things, the name of the tour operator or agency concerned, the airline, the file number, the number of nights, the number of pax (adults and children), the date departure date and turnover, all costs included (including airport taxes).

The participant undertakes to complete, in good faith, the  participation form  and to fill in all the fields. The participant also undertakes to send the organizer the proof of sales which will be attached by download.

No other means of participation will be considered.

A ranking of the  15 best sellers  will be made at the end of the challenge. This classification will be based on the number of points accumulated on the aforementioned scale. 

According to the following breakdown: 

The winners will be designated by the CTIG, in the days following the end of the challenge by means of an e-mail.

The number of files as well as the number of pax will determine the participants in  the certification eductour

In the event of a tie, the number of files and the turnover will be taken into consideration to decide between the winners. 

The 30 best sellers  in the challenge will be offered their place in a  “SECRETS OF THE ISLANDS OF GUADELOUPE” certification eductour, the next of which will take place in the Islands of Guadeloupe in the spring and autumn of each year. 

The eductour is a unique opportunity to discover the islands of Guadeloupe, in the company of other travel agents and to reclaim the destination and its many assets, in a friendly atmosphere.

On the program: visits to accommodation, discovery of the destination, tasting of culinary specialties as well as many other activities and experiences that will make you an “Expert of the islands of Guadeloupe”.

 The winners will be directly notified of their win by e-mail, from the designation of the winners. 

They will receive in this email all the necessary terms and conditions regarding the proper use of their prize.

If it is not possible for the winners to take advantage of the prize on the validity dates, they lose the benefit of it and cannot demand any material or financial compensation. 

Only one prize will be awarded to a single participant. The lot is personal, not marketable and cannot be attributed to other people.

 By the mere fact of accepting their prize, the winners authorize the use of their surname, first name, full professional address and pseudonym in any promotional event linked to this SALES CHALLENGE, without limitation of space or time and without that this use may give rise to rights other than the prize won.

The organizer reserves the right to modify the dates of the eductour, depending on availability. Any modification will be the subject of a notification to the participant.

 Entries to the challenge will be canceled if they are incorrect, incomplete, forged or made in violation of these rules.

The organizer reserves the right to extend, shorten or cancel this challenge due to events beyond its control.

In accordance with the regulations in force, the information collected within the framework of this SALES CHALLENGE is intended exclusively for the organizer, and it will not be sold or transferred to third parties in any way whatsoever.

 Persons who exercise the right to delete data concerning them before the end of the SALES CHALLENGE will be deemed to have waived their participation.

The organizer reserves the right to modify the articles of these regulations and in particular the rules of the SALES CHALLENGE and the prizes awarded, mainly to take into account changes in legal, regulatory or administrative provisions, court decisions, recommendations issued by the organizations in charge of the administration of the Internet network and the policy of the organizer. Each modification will be the subject of an amendment to the regulations.

The applicable law is French law.

What is an Eductour:

During one or more days you will discover tourist service providers from the Islands of Guadeloupe who have been previously selected, discover your establishment and/or your region with several professional contacts that you will have previously selected.
The eductour can target a group of travel professionals or for one person at a time 

This operation can be generalist or with a predefined theme (culture, nature, gastronomy, etc.).

A program generally lasts between five and seven days. The eductour must be both effective and enjoyable for all participants. In any case, it must be accessible to as many people as possible.

To attract new customers, the program must incorporate new market trends and offer services that can be marketed by participants.

The organization of the trip in the Islands of Guadeloupe: 

Each of these educational tours includes: round-trip transport in standard economy class on airlines from one of the airports serving the Islands of Guadeloupe, airport taxes (landing, disembarkation, boarding), transfer to the place of accommodation, catering and accommodation on site in a single room for a maximum of five nights, travel on site by public transport according to the circuit designed by the CTIG, accompaniment by a guide in the case of a group (from 6 pax) on arrival at the airport then during the tour, transport within the archipelago.

At the end of the study trip, participating travel agents will be asked to provide a testimonial of their stay, which will then be put online in the ”Eductour” section of the site

On the other hand, the following are excluded from the eductours won following the sales challenge: all personal expenses, drinks and food ordered outside the menus offered and/or outside meals, health/repatriation insurance, entertainment/excursions/visits/shows chosen ( s) by the winner(s) outside the circuit organized by the CTIG, the registration fees related to any additional luggage and/or not compliant with the standards of the companies, the medical or pharmacy costs intended for the participants . It is recommended that winners take out additional insurance covering repatriation costs in the event of accident or illness.

  1. The eductour charter 
  2. The participant selection process

The participants are designated automatically according to the result of the sales challenge and will be informed exclusively by email of their designation. 

They will have to confirm by email their wish to benefit from the Eductour then sign all the documents necessary for the organization of the Eductour within the following ten days. Any delay in one of these deadlines will result in the attribution of the Eductour to a substitute winner. If no winner meets the conditions of this paragraph, another selection will be made.

The participants, by agreeing to take part in the discovery stay “Secrets of the Islands of Guadeloupe” the eductour constituting the prize of the challenge, undertake(s) to carry out the stay and to participate throughout its duration in each of the visits and services above; any violation of this commitment makes the participant liable for reimbursement to the CTIG of the entire price of the stay.

Each participant guarantees the accuracy of the information provided when registering and during each stage of the sales challenge. Any inaccurate statement will result in the loss of the right to the Eductour if the discovery of the inaccuracy occurs after participation in the Eductour or if it has been impossible to reallocate the Eductour to a substitute.

No service is offered as a replacement for the eductour in the event of delay or absence, even if not at fault, of the participant at check-in or in the event of inability to board which is not attributable to the CTIG.

I mportant  : the certification program and its various stages are intended to be followed voluntarily, within OR outside the working hours of the participants and without the use of the professional means (computers, tablet, connection, etc.) of the structure that provides them. job. Any participation in a professional setting would imply for the participant and the said structure the application of charges, taxes and contributions based on the price of the Eductour, for which the CTIG cannot be responsible.


The CTIG is the sole sovereign to decide on any question of application or interpretation of the regulations or in the event of a gap in the latter during the course of this certification program.

Participation in the certification program implies the acceptance without reservation or restriction of these regulations in their entirety and the waiver of any recourse.
Any difficulty that may arise from the application or interpretation of these rules or that is not provided for by them will be settled by the Courts of Paris according to French law.

Patrick GALIN (Promotion Manager France).

Europe Agency of the Tourism Committee of the Islands of Guadeloupe 

8 rue Buffault – 75009 Paris (France) 

Such. : +33 (0) 1 40 62 99 07 – Fax: +33 (0) 1 40 62 99 08 

E-mail :